
Sherwood Harry Egbert » Celebrity Connections – Central Cascades

Brushes With Fame

Kittitas County’s Celebrity Connections

Kittitas County boasts a wealth of people with name recognition across the region, the country and in some cases the world. Here are just a few.

Sherwood Harry Egbert

Former President of the Studebaker-Packard Corporation
Website: Wikipedia listing for Sherwood Egbert
Photo of Sherwood Harry Egbert

Biographical Info

Sherwood Harry Egbert (1920–1969) was born in Easton. He is a former U.S. Marine who served as president of the Studebaker-Packard Corporation and Studebaker Corporation from 1961 to 1963. Egbert kicked off production of the Avanti, based on a Lark chassis and a drive train with fiberglass bodywork. The company built 1,200 of them. (Photo of 1963 Studebaker Avanti by Christopher Ziemnowicz.)

Categories: celebrities

Know of any Celebrity Connections to Kittitas County that we may have missed? Write us!